
Ambasciata Grand Duchy of Flandrensis

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Angell Cherubini
view post Posted on 1/3/2010, 08:34 by: Angell Cherubini

Presidente e Responsabile Diplomatico

Alto Consiglio
Cityprom, Piazza Indipendenza


Riporto quanto pervenuto proprio ieri sull'e-mail ufficiale (U:07C2010), alla quale comunicazione abbiamo ringraziato:

Office of the Grand Duke
Grand Duchy of Flandrensis

The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis has been reformed into a parliamentary monarchy. Flandrensis also adopted a new constitution. The new Flandrensis government has changed his policy about foreign relations, with this mail I informed you about:

Art. 14.3: If a micronation interfering in the internal affairs or government in Flandrensis, the Flandrensis parliament can take measures, or in worst case the withdrawal of recognition.
Art. 14.6: Flandrensis is a neutral nation, no other nation can force Flandrensis to join a conflict.
Art. 14.7: If Flandrensis discover that a recognized micronation violating human rights, than Flandrensis will immediately withdraw its recognition of that nation.
Art. 14.8: If Flandrensis discover that a recognized micronation is guilty to the use of illegal internet activities (hacking and viruses), than Flandrensis will immediately withdraw its recognition of that nation.
Flandrensis has also a new minister of foreign affairs: Count Maarten of Mount-Siple, also known as Prince Maarten of Arkel. His new mail is [email protected] but the head of State you still can contact on [email protected].


H.R.H Grand Duke Niels I of Flandrensis, Knight Grand Commander in the Order of Beauluna, Laird of Lochaber, Secretary-General of the AMU
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