
Ambasciata Grand Duchy of Flandrensis

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Angell Cherubini
view post Posted on 30/10/2010, 11:13 by: Angell Cherubini

Presidente e Responsabile Diplomatico

Alto Consiglio
Cityprom, Piazza Indipendenza


Riporto quanto pervenuto sull'email ufficiale in data U:12L2010

Office of the Grand Duke of Flandrensis
Grand Duchy of Flandrensis


With this email I will inform you about the foundation of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth .
The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, the Principality of Arkel and the Kingdom of Albion have decided to form a Commonwealth. I was already contacted by several micronations with the question if Flandrensis still exist as a Grand Duchy? To avoid misunderstandings, yes we do.
The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, the Principality of Arkel and the Kingdom of Albion remain full independent nations inside the Commonwealth (compare it with the E.U).
Our nations have decided to work together only for foreign affairs, defence, civil rights and economy. For all other issues as internal affairs, territory, culture, justice, citizenship etc. all members of the Commonwealth have full autonomy.
Flandrensis, Arkel and Albion will share the same foreign policy. In other words, all nations who have diplomatic relations with the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis are also recognized by the Principality of Arkel and the Kingdom of Albion.
To conclude and to avoid misunderstandings: Flandrensis remain a Grand Duchy and Arkel and Albion are not a part of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis. The goal of the ‘ Flandrensisian Commonwealth ’ is to develop Dutch-speaking micronationalism and to work together for several issues. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us on our forum.

More information you can find on this page on MicroWiki.

H.R.H Grand Duke Niels I of Flandrensis, Secretary-General of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth, Grandmaster of the Order of Flandrensis, Knight Grand Commander in the Order of Beauluna, Laird of Lochaber


Edited by Angell Cherubini - 31/10/2010, 07:16
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