
Ambasciata Grand Duchy of Flandrensis

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Angell Cherubini
view post Posted on 5/9/2012, 07:25 by: Angell Cherubini

Presidente e Responsabile Diplomatico

Alto Consiglio
Cityprom, Piazza Indipendenza


Ricevo e pubblico:

Dear friends and micronationalists,
We have again a reason for celebrations, because the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis exist 4 years!
The past year was fantastic for our small nation: participation to an international conference for micronations at London, the signing of our 100th treaty with another micronation, a page on the English Wikipedia and beautiful articles about Flandrensis in Belgian and Russian media. This was never possible without our citizens, whether they are active or not: by being part of something unique they help us to made our dream true.
But I also thank all micronations who have relationships with Flandrensis, not only for the recognition but also because their believe in us!
Our new goals for the new year are the design of coins, stamps and a professional website. And we start our 4th year with a royal wedding because Flandrensis get a Grand Duchess…
So I wish you all a HAPPY FLANDRENSIS DAY and I hope that our small country – together with all our micronational friends - may exist many years: LONG LIVE FLANDRENSIS!


H.R.H. Grand Duke Niels I of Flandrensis, Grandmaster of the Order of Flandrensis, Grand Commander in the Order of Beauluna, Laird of Lochaber
Secretary-General of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth, Secretary-General of the Antarctic Micronational Union
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