
Posts written by Angell Cherubini

view post Posted: 2/11/2013, 09:57 Ambasciata Grand Duchy of Flandrensis - Ambasciate virtuali (non ordine alfabetico)
Riporto quanto ricevuto sulla nostra e-mail ufficiale:

Dear micronationalists,
this month the Gazet van Giddis exist 4 years!
With this e-mail you received the newest edition of the Gazet van Giddis with all latest news from our small nation: the victory of the NPF in the Senate Elections, media attention for Flandrensis, the battle on Wikipedia, etc. (page 3-4 is in English).
Enjoy reading!

H.R.H. Grand Duke Niels I of Flandrensis, Grandmaster of the Order of Flandrensis, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Polycarpus, Grand Commander in the Order of Beauluna, Laird of Lochaber
Prince of Arkel, Prince of Siple, Viscount of Campinia, Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Ladder, Grand Cordon in the Order of the Lion, Secretary-General of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth, Administrative-General of the Antarctic Micronational Union
view post Posted: 24/10/2013, 10:52 Richiesta di Rapporti Diplomatici - Request of Diplomatic Relations - Ambasciate virtuali (non ordine alfabetico)
Riporto di seguito una comunicazione pervenuta nella nostra e-mail ufficiale da parte del Principauté du Nouveau-Texas - MFA (nessun trattato diplomatico in corso)


"Dr." Haissam Bou-Said, born 06 February 1964 in Beirut, DOES UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE represent Principauté du Nouveau-Texas. MR. Bou-Said is known to be a criminal, and has now began to harass some citizens of the Principality - even requesting them to send money for citizenship passports, which only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PNT through the OFFICIAL website at can grant.
To Foreign Missions: any Note Verbale, or any communication from this individual does not express the wishes or business of Principauté du Nouveau-Texas. Should any foreign mission, or diplomat receive communiques from this person, or his criminal partner, Mr. Davide Ciocarrelli, please be strongly advised to ignore such communications, and please send us a copy of such communiques by email to: [email protected] - your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ms. Erin van der Beek
Deputy Officer of Foreign and International Affairs

Principauté du Nouveau-Texas
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 3661
Houston, USA-77043

@: [email protected]
F: +1 206 666 6407 (24/7 FAX)
view post Posted: 24/10/2013, 09:59 Relazioni diplomatiche: aggiornamento - Ufficio Presidente
Riporto di seguito la comunicazione arrivata nella nostra casella di posta elettronica (ufficiale):

Dear sir/madam,

My name is Shane Cahill. I am the foreign secretary and co-leader of the Democratic Republic of Leylandiistan. My country is always seeking new diplomatic partners. So I ask you: will you be my nation's ally? Please reply at your earliest convenience. In the meantime, visit

Shane Cahill
view post Posted: 30/8/2013, 11:36 monitorare l'attività di un forum micronazionalista - Centro Dibattiti
Riporto il calcolo dell'indice Ipa per quelle micronazioni ove si potevano rilevare i dati necessari.
Il giorno e l'orario del rilevamento dei dati sotto riportati sono stati quelli odierni.

Cisalpina 3,37 (= 4984/1480)
Vitla 13,15 (= 1052/80) (*)
A1 6,05 (=6408/1060)
St. Charlie 6,70 (=6763/1009)
Gordjan 4,22 (=1071/254)
S.M.O.R.A. 1,69 (=2077/1228)
Princedom of Ausland 32,34 (=4333/134)
Promolands 6,26 (=4681/748)

(*): nuova partenza

rosso = ribasso
blu = rialzo
nero = stazionario

Come sempre, qualunque commento e' bene accetto.
view post Posted: 30/8/2013, 11:27 anno 2012 - Cronologia
Uranday 3 Archimedes 2011Augurio Presidenziale Inizio Anno 2012
Neptunday 4 Archimedes 2011 – Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche sociali dei testi: "La grande Bugia del chimico Pasteur" - "Progettare per un futuro benessere collettivo"
Mercuday 13 Archimedes 2012Aggiornamento proposta riconoscimento convenzioni internazionali
Saturday 16 Archimedes 2012 - Il Presidente acquisisce l'onorificienza di Cavaliere dell'Ordine Gordjan (attestato)
Plutoday 19 Archimedes 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche sociali del testo "Mondo 2012"
Venusday 21 Archimedes 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche sociali del testo "La fatica di decidere"
Venusday 02 Beethoven 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche economiche del testo "Lavoro e denaro"
Saturday 04 Beethoven 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche economiche del testo "Società primitive e origini dello Stato"
Mercuday 08 Beethoven 2012 - Aggiornamento discussione "Ipotesi reale di moneta virtuale"
Neptunday 03 Dalì 2012 - D.P. n°4 - IP, riservatezza e limiti
Plutoday 18 Dalí 2012 - Compilazione form richiesta di adesione alla League of Countries (46esimo membro)
Venusday 20 Dalì 2012D.A.C. 34°
Venusday 20 Dalì 2012 – Adozione posta elettronica certificata per i cittadini promolandiani
Venusday 20 Dalì 2012 - Legge 11/2012 - Legge Cherubini, Regime fiscale
Venusday 20 Dalì 2012Creazione bollino certificatore (BCM)
Plutoday 6 Edison 2012– Adesione di Promolands Giochi SIGNOR
Mercuday 7 Edison 2012Formalizzazione residenza a Cityprom Via delle Micronazioni Unite della L.I.M.
Mercuday 7 Edison 2012Aggiornamento discussione Rapporti con altre valute micronazionali
Mercuday 7 Edison 2012 – Precisazioni sul Conto ŠCEC
Venusday 8 Edison 2012D.A.C. 35°
Venusday 8 Edison 2012 – Aggiornamento cartella Free Downloads & Utility e presentazione del programma PC Performer
Plutoday 13 Edison 2012Apertura Ambasciata Kornburgian Republic
Saturnday 17 Edison 2012Apertura spazio virtuale a favore della LIM (Libera Informazione Micronazionale)
Venusday 22 Edison 2012 - D.A.C. 36°
Uranday 25 Edison 2012 - D.P. n°5 - funzione del timbro postale e incarico
Plutoday 8 Fleming 2012 – Pubblicazione statistiche sulle "Attività ministeriali: valutazioni di merito"
Plutoday 8 Fleming 2012 - D.P. n°6 - modulistica e specifiche anti-contraffazione
Venusday 10 Fleming 2012 Libera scelta della valuta (e-cash oppure SCEC) nelle transazioni commerciali o finanziarie per i cittadini promolandiani
Mercuday 16 Fleming 2012 - Aggiornamento discussione Antarcticland
Saturnday 19 Fleming 2012 – Presentazione della Federazione di Damanhur
Mercuday 23 Fleming 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche religiose e filosofiche del testo “Riprendiamoci l'anima!”
Neptunday 9 Gandhi 2012 - Inizio recupero immagini cancellate
Neptunday 9 Gandhi 2012Emissione filatelica congiunta con S.M.O.R.A. per la Giornata Mondiale della Terra
Venusday 12 Gandhi 2012 – Lancio del progetto “I Campi d’Oro”
Jeuday 8 Hokusai 2012 – Nuovo sito per l’Associazione Promocentro
Jeuday 10 Isaiah 2012 – Sospensione della cittadinanza promolandiana (ART. 7 L. 9/2011)
Plutoday 2 Jung 2012 – Aggiornamento mail ufficiale Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
Venusday 18 Jung 2012 - Pubblicazione nelle Tematiche religiose e filosofiche del testo “Maria Maddalena: la moglie di Gesù”
Saturnday 1 Kurosawa 2012Aggiornamento Ipa per le micronazioni con le quali abbiamo stretto rapporti diplomatici, collaborazione o amicizia
Venusday 22 Lagrange 2012 - Registro Parascientifico (ironico-grottesco) delle malattie immaginarie
Mercuday 16 Montessori 2012L’acqua come diritto umano universale e adesione di Promolands all’iniziativa europea
Mercuday 16 Montessori 2012D.A.C. 37°
Plutoday 3 Nureyev 2012 - Aggiornamento in campo amministrativo e geografico dell’ Impero del Gordjan e della mail ufficiale

Edited by Dan Comma - 16/2/2015, 09:15
view post Posted: 30/8/2013, 08:06 Comunicazioni al Presidente - Ufficio Presidente
Cari concittadini, la cronologia è stata aggiornata al 2012.
Così pure l'indice Ipa.

Edited by Angell Cherubini - 30/8/2013, 12:38
view post Posted: 29/8/2013, 07:29 Ambasciata della Repubblica di Alcatraz - Ambasciate virtuali (non ordine alfabetico)
Riporto di seguito alcuni fatti salienti che riguardano la Repubblica di Alcatraz, una micronazione spiritosa ma comunque ben organizzata (basta leggere la sua Costituzione)

14 luglio 2012: La Libera Repubblica di Alcatraz partecipa al Convegno Mondiale delle Micro Nazioni

12 aprile 2013:
4° anniversario d'indipendenza della Repubblica di Alcatraz

Il prossimo appuntamento che ci dà la Repubblica di Alcatraz è alla prossima conferenza mondiale, Polination, che si terrà in Italia (e proprio ad Alcatraz) il 19 luglio 2014.
view post Posted: 29/5/2013, 09:48 Delibera 38° del 29.05.2013 - Delibere dell'Alto Consiglio (D.A.C.)
A seguito della convocazione n°40 dell'Alto Consiglio, ove hanno partecipato i cittadini che seguono:

Angell Cherubini (Presidente)
Adriano Primo (1°Cittadino)
Tony Le Bennerg (componente)
Milady Iozal Reward per delega (componente)
Antonia Tetozzi (componente)

punto a) In considerazione dell'eccellente lavoro svolto, alla unanimità vengono riconfermati le attuali autorità politiche e cioè: Angell Cherubini (Presidente di Promolands), tutti i componenti l'Alto Consiglio e tutti i Responsabili degli Uffici Coordinatori in carica (Ministri).
La durata della nuova investitura è quella riportata all'art. 15 della Costituzione promolandiana.

punto b) I componenti l'Alto Consiglio prendono atto della richiesta avanzata dal Principato di Aysellant ("The Government of the Princedom of Aysellant (Ausland) officially informs You that on the basis of the Ordinance № 003-13 of May 15, 2013, the decision to change in spelling and pronunciation of the name of the Princedom of Ausland, in order to bring the official name for the rules of the national language, in avoid confusion in the Internet search engines, and incorrect visual and sound associations in spelling and pronunciation. From that day, the official name of the country should be written as: PRINCEDOM OF AYSELLANT. In this regard, the Government of the Princedom of Aysellant makes a request to change the name of the Princedom in our diplomatic mission on the territory of your state and write it in accordance with the aforementioned. The Government of the Princedom of Aysellant also notify, that a change in spelling and pronunciation of the name of the state does not entail the cancellation, revision or rejection of the obligations under earlier agreements concluded between the our countries") e confermano la volontà di sostituire il nome del Principato di Ausland con il nuovo comunicato, ovvero: Principato di Aysellant.
Nulla cambierà nei rapporti diplomatici con la nostra micronazione, i quali restano inalterati e pienamente validi.

punto c) nulla da aggiungere

La presente delibera, nel rispetto dell'art. 21 della Costituzione della Micronazione Promolands, ha efficacia a far data dal U:20F2013. Angell Cherubini (Presidente), Adriano Primo (1° Cittadino), Tony Le Bennerg (componente), Milady Iozal Reward per delega (componente) e Antonia Tetozzi (componente).

Edited by Angell Cherubini - 29/8/2013, 09:56
view post Posted: 28/5/2013, 12:11 Sospensione della cittadinanza promolandiana - Elezioni
CITAZIONE (Nichol Le Bennerg @ 17/8/2012, 08:46) 
Si comunica che poichè il giorno P:15F2013 (24 maggio 2013) si terrano le elezione del Governo promolandiano, tutte le richieste di cittadinanza non potranno essere esaminate.
L'avviso di inizio della campagna elettorale dovrà comparire entro e non oltre 7 mesi prima della data sopra menzionata.
Non essendo stato previsto un termine, la campagna elettorale cesserà ufficialmente lo stesso giorno della data delle elezioni.

Informo che la riunione dell'Alto Consiglio prevista per il giorno P:15F2013 è stata spostata al giorno J:18F2013 @900.
view post Posted: 28/5/2013, 12:07 Avviso convocazione assemblea n°40 - Comunicazioni verso l'Alto Consiglio
Ai componenti:

Adriano Primo
Tony Le Bennerg
Antonia Tetozzi
Milady Iozal Reward

Le S.S.L.L. sono invitate all’assemblea n°39 che si terrà in prima convocazione oggi, Jeuday 18 Fleming 2013 alle @700 e, qualora mancasse il numero legale, in seconda convocazione, sempre in data odierna alle ore @900 presso la Sede "virtuale" dell'Alto Consiglio, al fine di discutere e deliberare in merito al seguente


a) Elezione del Presidente promolandiano, dei Coordinatori degli Uffici (Ministri) e dei Componenti l'Alto Consiglio;
b) Esamina richiesta del Principato di Aysellant (Ausland);
c) Varie ed eventuali.

Si prega vivamente di presiedere. e, qualora mancasse il numero legale, in seconda convocazione, sempre in data odierna alle ore @900 presso la Sede "virtuale" dell'Alto Consiglio, al fine di discutere e deliberare in merito al seguente

Si prega vivamente di presiedere.

Edited by Angell Cherubini - 29/5/2013, 10:29
view post Posted: 20/2/2013, 10:47 AMOMU - Ambasciate territoriali, Unioni & Organizzazioni
Aggiorno la storia che a partire dall'anno 2012 è possibile visionare a questo indirizzo

On 23 January 2012, Tallini was appointed Communications Director for the Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS).

During the 7th Meeting of the Committee on NGOs, held on 2 February 2012 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide (CCLP Worldwide) was recommended for Special Consultative Status. This development became possible after CCLP Worldwide's Special Representative Cesidio Tallini managed to overcome to the persistent objections of the Distinguished Representative of Pakistan on the night of 1 February 2012. In August 2012 CCLP Worldwide was granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

On 24 March 2012, Tallini was appointed International President of the International Network of Bishops & Archbishops (INBA) by the Founder of the organisation, Bishop Godwin Osung.

On 5 May 2012, the Organization of African Emerging States (OEAS) recognised a total of 11 new UMMOA claims.

On 13 June 2012, Tallini was appointed a Voting Member of the Electoral College of Bishops of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters.

On 3 July 2012, Tallini was appointed International Ambassdor and United Nations Representative of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters.

On 27 December 2012, Tallini was made Ambassador at Large of Antarctica and Unrepresented or Underrepresented Polities for The Multipurpose Inter-Parliamentary Union (TMIPU).

On 31 December 2012, Tallini was appointed Interim Deputy Minister of Information for the Republic of Cabinda.

Importante e riporto per intero l'articolo chiamato Revelation

On 18 January 2013 I gave myself a new name: Wequarran Archimedes.

The name Wequarran means ‘Eagle’, while Archimedes is the name of one of the 14 tribes that form the Ryamecah Confederation.

On that day I was already Native American by place of birth, since I was born exactly where the Yamecah band or tribe lived 400 years ago.

On that day I was already Native American by adoption, since I had been adopted by the Nemenhah Indigenous Traditional Organization in July 2011, which is acknowledged by some recognised Native American tribes, bands, or traditional communities.

However, on that day I also became a Native American sui generis as the Sachem (or Paramount Chief), Medicine Man, and founder of the Ryamecah Confederation.

Ryamecah is the name of a neoindigenous confederation of tribes of Long Island (a place also known today as Winnecomac, which means ‘Fine Country’), and the name of the new confederation stands for the abbreviation of the words ‘Restored Yamecah’.

The Ryamecah are a confederation of Native American tribes that considers itself British and Native American at the same time, so it is indigenous in two ways, as both a British and Native American tribe.

The Ryamecah are beginning to develop their own Native American culture, and they have their own medicine wheel. It is a medicine wheel which could have been possibly conceived by a tribe lead by the Greek Pythagoras of Samos, or in more modern times by a tribe lead by the French René Descartes, so it is very different from most Native American medicine wheels.

I’m a Native American by place of birth on the island now known also as Winnecomac; Native American by adoption; Native American sui generis; and Native American culturally.

I can present some evidence that I’m an indigenous Latinus (or Greater Roman), that I’m also Italian by ethnicity and citizenship, and thus European.

All my ancestors on my father’s and mother’s sides, grandparents and great grandparents, would have been considered Latini by the ancient Romans. Latini were a class of citizens who held the Latin Rights (ius Latii, Latinitas, or ius latinum). The Latin right was an intermediate step in obtaining full-fledged Roman citizenship. In the days of the Republic, those holding the Latin right had most of the liberties of citizens except the right to vote. Later even that changed, and not only they could vote if they found themselves in Rome on election day, but the so-called “greater Latin” right (Latium maius) introduced by emperor Hadrian, made all of the councillors in provincial communities full Roman citizens (Cives Romani).

It is also important to understand that the name Cesidio isn’t really a first or given name as Americans, or even Italians would think, but the name of a Roman gens (plural gentes), which originally was Caesidius, and that is something closer to the name of a clan (think of those proud Irish or Scottish clans), than to the name of a nuclear or even extended family. By the first century, Roman men had 3 names — a praenomen, nomen, and cognomen — and Caesidius, the Latinised version of Cesidio, was a Roman nomen [source], not praenomen.

So I was born with a nomen (Cesidio) and cognomen (Tallini) on my birth certificate, but I had no actual praenomen, the name only my closest family was supposed to use. Actually, I was given a kind of praenomen from the paternal aunt of my mother, but it is the nuclear family (the father and/or mother) that is supposed to give the domestic name or praenomen, and it should be kept it as private as possible. All these unwritten rules were violated in my case, and even my employers and co-workers ended up using my false praenomen.

Today I have a genuine legal praenomen, nomen, and cognomen, just like ancient Roman men. I actually have a new legal name, but I’ve changed my name outside of the US in April 2006, just to keep my praenomen secret, or at least very, very private. In other words, I actually have a new legal name, but it was deliberately never registered with US authorities. Romans often abbreviated praenomina (plural) in writings, so my name could have been written even back then as my British name, and my British name is B. Cesidio Tallini. That is why the acronym “BCT” today represents me like Coca Cola is represented by its logo.

I hope everyone has understood not only that I’m Native American, in three ways, and that I’m an indigenous Latinus (or Greater Roman), but that I also would not be a fully indigenous Latinus (or Greater Roman) even in name without my British name!

As many of you already know, I’m also a Ummoagian, Antarctican, African, and Asian by place of citizenship by naturalisation, and I hope my soon to be published book entitled Ryamecah Declaration of Indigenous Independence helps the Ryamecah gain recognition and independence from the United States, so the Ryamecah can become a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and I can become a Commonwealth, and thus a very British citizen (Civis Britannici), as the old-timers would have thought.

So what am I, in essence, since even my new legal name is my own, rather than just my parents’ creation?

I am one of a kind, or as the Romans would have put it, sui generis.

Since 18 February 2013, my transformation is almost complete with a new website and .com domain, which actually uses the words sui generis without all of the vowels:

Edited by Angell Cherubini - 20/2/2013, 11:20
view post Posted: 11/1/2013, 09:02 Cancellazione files - Orientamento & Assistenza
E' stato recuperato il file n. 11, qui visibile.

Edited by Angell Cherubini - 11/1/2013, 09:23
1112 replies since 27/5/2008